Hey Typo 2.5 is officialy out but I just don’t want to loose time to upgrade. Take a look if you want.
I finaly bought the pragmatic rails book to dig into rails. That’s it, I am already writing a login system for rails, the first thing I need for my next website (which might never be online :). The login generator isn’t enough, I want my users to subscribe through their email address. Look for something on my blog, I’ll put some code soon.
Are you looking for a newzbin (binaries usenet) website where you can just download nzb files for free ? Send me a mail, I might have something for you. If you are using the free.fr usenet server, or giganews, it will be even better.
I am now certified on cacert. If you need to be certified and are traveling around Paris or France, you can ping me.
Added in the TODO: upgrade Typo later